Saturday, August 30, 2008

Mr. Handsome Sports A Shiner

William is definitely a boy (not that we were questioning....). He climbs on everything, including kneeling on the back of the couch and waving to me, up on the dining room table (also waving to me), into chairs, onto beds, out the step to the garage, and currently working on his crib exit. On Thursday afternoon, August 28th, all that climbing finally got the best of him. Momma was reading a Nancy Drew (The Bungalow Mystery) with Sarah in her room, Willie was playing with KK and Izzy. Apparently, KK left the addition to get something from her room, and William flipped off the couch from a standing position, and smacked the corner of his eye on the corner leg of the coffee table. Now, if you have ever hit your knee on that thing like I have, (grrrr...) you know that you could easily never walk again. It is the hardest table, and the corner is ridiculously sharp. Needless to say, his eye turned black immediately and bled from where the skin split open. I mean, talk about turning a momma's stomach! He screamed bloody murder for a couple minutes then laid on my shoulder pretty much mewing like a hurt kitten. He was so sad. We tucked him in Sarah's bed leaning back on a pillow and turned on Baby Einstein, his magic cure-all. A drink of juice, and thirty minutes of Einstein, and the boy was good to go. The next morning, it was outrageously bad. A little worse yesterday. And today, not as bad! He's on the mend. And in a few days, we should receive the UPHOLSTERED leather storage ottoman we ordered immediately after it happened. No one, I repeat NO ONE, hurts "The Boy". And that includes tables. Bye bye, coffee table.

Big Boy gets dressed for the ballet by his sisters. Something about the necklace and the black eye and the diaper just makes an odd mix, don't you think?

A shiner for the boy. Let's hope it's the last one. Yeah, right. All right then, let's hope that split skin doesn't scar his adorable face.
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  1. Boys will be boys won't they? My youngest pulled a toy down on his hand and broke his finger just a few months ago...he's only 16 months! It turned blue immediately, so I knew something was wrong!!

    Love your great photos by the way!


  2. Eww, poor Willie. I remember that day.
