Tuesday, April 22, 2008

A New Member of the Gill Clan

Carolyn (Gill) and Adam Dempsey (and myself of course!) are proud to announce that Cathleen Niamh Dempsey was born Sunday, April 20 at home. She weighed 6 lbs 14 ounces and has a head full of dark hair. For pictures and the story of the home birth, click on The Dempsey Family link on the right side of this page. She's beautiful and we all can't wait to see her. Sean Patrick is adjusting, slowly but surely! He's going to be a great big brother. I know she will learn The Star Spangled Banner in no time, as he sings it at the top of his lungs in a most adorable fashion.

I had planned to fly up there May 13, but given that she was a week early, Mom and I have bumped our trip up to this coming week. We will be driving up early Sunday morning with Isabelle and William in tow. It is a twelve hour trip but we will be able to take all these girl clothes I've been holding *just in case* and have our car seats, dvd players, music, etc. Plus, we won't have to rent a car. Most importantly, we get there ASAP! Isabelle can hardly stand the few days wait, as I had told her "as soon as the baby is born". Well, the baby is here and she wants to go NOW! I told her we had to pack her luggage, which she adores, and suddenly she is all happiness. Oooooh, my luggage, Momma? Oh yes, your very own luggage, dearie. We will be gone several days, but as Twopy is the Blogger Queen, I may try to post while I'm up there. We plan to hit the National Zoo, this big carousel that Izzy is dying to go on, maybe an animal farm that Sean Patrick likes, and best of all, play with Cousins Leify and Sean! I am really looking forward to seeing them, as I have never been to their "new" home. We will also get to see Laura and Jason's new home, a historic home in Maryland. There's an Amish market there that she's mentioned that I want to see. It's going to be a great trip!

While I'm gone, my Shawn will be taking Sarah and Katy to school and whatnot. I plan to put a couple meals in the freezer before I go and a list of possible "pantry dinners" so the girls won't have to eat noodles every night! They are a bit miffed that they aren't going but that's what happens when you are half-grown! School will be out in five short weeks, thank heavens. I'm ready to stop, for sure. Our summer plans include Camp Weed for Sarah, swimming lessons for Katy and Izzy, visit from Dempseys in July, Egyptian history class at Museum of Natural History in Gainesville for Sarah, sleepovers, bonfires, and plenty of swimming. Lord knows that fishing is probably the top priority for all three at this point! Anyway, we are looking forward to the next few months of family time. I'm sure come fall it'll be a different story! :)

By the way, in case you were wondering how to pronounce baby's middle name, it's Neev, it's Irish, and means Gaelic goddess. Betcha didn't know that one!

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