Sunday, April 13, 2008

Fun, Fun For Everyone

Well, do you want the good news or the bad news? OK, good news first. I passed my Realtors class and exam. It's done. Finite. Over. HIS-tory. Bad news? I still have to take the state exam. Unfortunately, it's a wee bit more troubling, no passing score means thirty days to retry, no passing score then means taking the DADBLUM class over and THEN retrying. I, however, intend to pass on the first (and only) try. That means studying like a maniac until I receive the state's approval for taking the exam. Not only do I have to apply, I have to get the state of Florida to LET me take the exam. Plus, the small problem of fingerprinting. You have to have an appointment, it's electronic, and only the outrageous fee of $61! I was like, yo, this is not a difficult task. It's electronic for pete's sake. They don't even have to buy ink. They don't even have to have anyone there really! Oh, the wonders of our government. I was thinking, gee, wonder if I could apply part of my TWENTY-FIVE THOUSAND DOLLAR TAX BILL to that. I guess not. I can't take much action as it might show up in my background check. Which might show a history of fish-cleaning, swim-team last-place finisher, burnt-a-pot-of-noodles-last-week-so-badly-I-had-to-throw-out-my-Paul-Revere-pan-from-college, (ain't done THAT before) grouper-gutter for my husband, part-time clam farmer, speech therapist at a not-so-well-run clinic, diaper-changer, Pad Thai maker, football lover, mesome crab hater (for you de grande), one heck of a crazy Momma am I. In any event, I shall remain the same, Realtor or no. You needn't worry that I will sell my good filleting knife (never) or that I will stop writing "yo" in my blog, (not gonna happen) or that my garbage will ever smell like roses (between Pullups and diapers and fish and wasted leftovers, absolutely not on your life gonna happen), no, you needn't worry a bit. I'll still be me, I'll just be me, Caryn D., LLC.

Thank you.
And good night.


  1. De Grande, you are the funniest blog writer that ever happend upon Blogger.

    I love mesome crabs with the worms on their back!

  2. Funny - You never hear of the politicians getting fingerprinted before "assuming" office. Wasn't it Marx (Groucho,not Karl) who said, "I'd never join a club, that would have me as a member." Do you really want to associate with a group that requires fingerprinting to join; sounds like a band of rogues to me. How about a swab of saliva, some dental impressions, & a retina scan too? Don't do it. Resist! You'll just feel dirty afterwards! Tell Tallahasee to collect their own taxes and that they can't count on you to do it for them. Fight the power! Otherwise, congrats.

    A friend in Baltimore

  3. um, I have some very strange seesters. Congratulations on passing the class. But what most impressed me was the huge tax bill!

  4. Um, that long one was Jason, you know, not me.

    i just love mesome crabs.
