Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Blah blah blah, and lots of it!

Well, no pictures, sorry. I'm not even sure where my camera is right now. In fact, I'm not sure where anything is except my barstool I'm sitting on. Actually, that is, the barstool I have been sitting on for three straight days. This is thankfully not at all the story of the woman who "grew" onto her toilet from sitting there so long, (thanks for that, Laura!) but is instead, the story of a Momma who is studying like mad. Studying? Something besides poopy diapers? Something besides bills or taxes? Something other than Cook's Illustrated? Can it be? Well, the short answer is yes. The true or false answer is true. And the multiple-choice answer is:
A) I'm taking a realtor's class on line
B) My friend Linda is taking it with me
C) It's supposed to be two weeks and we're cramming it in four days
D) All of the above which have led to an intense case of "Please, no more questions"

Yes, the answer is D. Who has time for a two week, sit there for eight hours, and drive home class? We'll just take it online, how bad could it be? Well-- bad. Actually, really bad. I never wanted to be a lawyer, I hate legal jargon. I never wanted to be a mortgage broker, I'm terrible at math. I never wanted to be an appraiser, I don't want anyone to hate me. So why, you ask, would you want to be a realtor which takes all of these things into account. Well, I like it. Somehow, despite the class, I have hopes of enjoyment in a future sole proprietorship involving real estate. Or maybe it will be a general partnership. Certainly not a variable lease, and definitely not a deed in lieu of foreclosure. Sadly, I know what all these things are and my brain is fried. We are in a persistent state of La La Land from years of no mental exercising, suddenly forced into perpetual studying, memorizing, and test-taking. Anyway, thanks for the break. I have to take Quiz #13--again. I missed one the first time and you have to get 100%. Grrrr... so where was I? Ah yes, remedies for breach of contract, terminations of contract, and disclosure during a transaction broker relationship... the fun never ends. Best of all, now that you've read this, you know who NOT to call for all your real estate needs!


  1. Oh, fun! I was just about to email you demanding more bloggage, but then I found bloggage. Whee! Sadly, aside from variable lease and that I can make a pretty good guess on), I know what all those things are, too. Waah. Tells you where my brain has been for the last two years. Oh, yeah, on my baby, too. Speaking of which, he has his first molar! Or, tooth in the back of the mouth. Guessing its a molar. Happy studying!

  2. Need. Willy. Pictures.

