Friday, January 29, 2010

Willie Says The Darndest Things...

Last night, Momma insisted on Izzy and Willie taking a shower. Willie is still stuffy, and a hot shower might help loosen that goop up. Three minutes into it, I had just gotten shampoo poured into Izzy's hand, and some into my hand. Willie says, I want some! So I try to flip the cap back open and he comes running toward me. Too fast. He slips, falls face first, and smacks his forehead on the hard slate tile. He screams for Daddy, (that's a new one) and has a big welt. Shawn takes him out and gets him in his jammies. I finish Izzy's hair and get us out and dressed. I take Willie into my arms on my bed, checking his forehead gingerly. I tell him I'm so sorry he hurt his head. He looks at me with a bit of aggravation on his face, rolls his eyes ever so slightly, and says, "Momma. Momma. I falled down in da showa. Iss jus not a big DEAWL." :) Heehee!

1 comment:

  1. Lawd, you need another baby because Willie ain't gonna be talking this cute fo'eva!
