Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Willie Is Sick

Poor Willie. He is so sad and gooky. He has a stuffy/runny nose and his little nose is just raw from him wiping it so much. He has a horrible cough. I took him to the pediatrician yesterday, waiting in the office for over an hour. Grr. Dr. Carter couldn't hear any crackles in his chest, but he would not take a deep breath, it was all very shallow. Given his cough, she expected to hear some crackles. So she thinks he is borderline pneumonia, and he has a left ear infection, though it's not raging. She prescribed antibiotics (amoxicillin). Unfortunately, he does not eat, and he really does not drink much, which concerns me. I tried to give him his medicine last night, he screamed bloody murder and he threw up most of it once I forced it down (with Shawn's help). I called the pharmacist who said she had to do this with her own three year old. She suggested doing it drop by drop because then they don't have enough to really spit it out. I will try that when Shawn gets home. Currently, William has not left the couch for three days. He drank a grand total of one sippy cup of juice yesterday. We're trying Gatorade today. If he doesn't start getting better by Friday, she said to bring him back. (Or immediately if he gets worse.) Please, I've just had enough hospitals for one month, couldn't he just take the doggone medicine? It really doesn't taste that bad. Guess he hates bubblegum flavor. Maybe I could make my own Hubba Bubba with gooey filling and inject medicine into the middle of a piece of gum... Wow, am I getting desperate or what? Any suggestions are always appreciated. We have tried pudding, ice cream, juice, and yogurt mixins. No go. I'm going to go try M&M bribes. Don't think that'll get me anywhere, but I'll try.


  1. I will sometimes put it in Leif's drink - the regular dosage in a small amount of drink. Of course, that works best with non-flavored items. And I make sure the drink is his favorite type, so he's more likely to drink it. Even if it takes him a while, he still generally gets the whole dose!

    Or use a liquid dropper, and drop it down the back of his throat, where he CAN'T spit it back out...

    Sigh. Poor Willie. Sho do hope he feels better real soon like! :(

  2. Cathleen managed to spit up the amox. no matter how far back down her throat we shoved the dropper. Bribing and maybe doing we talked about...putting it in ice cream or sherbet or eggless cookie dough, sitting it on the table maybe next to his plate and not saying a word about it. How's he doing?
