Friday, January 29, 2010

Willie and the Hopper

All four kids now have hoppers. (I cannot explain to you that they are large bouncy balls because my brothers are sick. Truly sick.) Anyway, they require a bit of coordination and a surprising amount of energy. The favored path in the house is the circle around the kitchen island. All four of them get going on these things, bouncing higher and higher, moving forward at the same time. It is quite a sight.

Mr. Sweetness still loves those two fingers. That's a shark stamp on his cheek, leftover from Shark Pride Day.

Buzz Lightyear to the rescue. (Want one for your little one? Dollar General has the cheap kind, like this one. The girls have the more expensive ones 55cm Hoppers from Amazon, which supposedly can take up to 600 pounds. Um, I don't wanna see no 600 pounds on a Hopper. I really, really don't. And I don't think the Hopper wants to see that either.)

While he's bouncing, Willie sticks his tongue out the side of his mouth (must be for balance, heehee) in a very Izzy-esque kind of way. She does the same thing, even when she's running from base to base in Tball! Well, they surely don't get it from me!

Probably our most unique Christmas present, from dear Aunt Twopy. His name is Inside Out (check out his arms if you're wondering why) and he hangs around here, making his way from place to place. He is an adorable sock creature. You can make one, too. But you would have to ask Twopy. I don't sew. I don't know if I've ever mentioned that on this blog, but now you know. I don't sew. I just don't. And I don't want to. So don't try and make me.
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  1. You are funny today! I don't think a hopper wants more than 100 pounds on it, much less 600!
    I'm so glad Inside Out made the blog! He is more adorable than I remember.

    Um, is someone peer-pressuring you to sew? Just say no! I mean, I like it but it's like clammin'. It's not for everyone. :)

  2. So hoppers in the house are ok? I mean, I don't have fine china lying around but what's the learning curve? What size for my Sean? When can Pea use one?
