Friday, January 22, 2010

Katy's Surgery

This is after they got her upstairs, I said hello, she said hi and went back to sleep.

The next morning...

Just found out she could go home. Would you LOOK at all that food? She ate like a horse the evening after the surgery and it didn't stop until dinner the next day. She ate things she'd normally never touch (chicken broth, anyone?). She ate everything in sight. The nurse and I couldn't keep up. I must have made three trips down to the deli!
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  1. Yay! I love all the pics. She is such a brave sweet girl. Please tell her that Aunt 2p loves her!

  2. Thanks for making tears burst out my eyes. (Love my grammar!) That first picture made me all sniffly-like! Kinda of like seeing pictures of KK when she was a preemie in NICU! They get me every time! :)

  3. Poor KK! She is SOOOOO brave!!! Unlike me!!
