Tuesday, July 22, 2008

A Trip To Crescent Beach

We took an impromptu trip to Crescent Beach, just a few miles south of St. Augustine. Our friends, the Smiths and the Howards, were spending the week there and wanted us to come visit. We drove over Wednesday morning, stayed the night, and left at 8:30 Thursday night. It was a late night getting in, but well worth it, both the kids and the grown-ups had a great time. Just wish we could have spent a little more time.... Isn't that how vacation goes? Please, just a little more time...

The Intercoastal Waterway from the cottage

Willie is sleeeeeeepy!

Sarah's first reporting job

Sarah and Emily hanging out
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1 comment:

  1. Where's the movie, yo? I've never had any luck with the built-in video feature. That's why youtube was invented.
