Sunday, July 13, 2008



My oldest brother, Andrew, has found the woman of his dreams! On July 5th, Andrew proposed to Allyson Fox and she accepted! We are so thrilled for them, they make a wonderful couple. They met January 5th and have been inseparable ever since. Allyson works at the VA in Gainesville, they do lots of biking together, making Andrew's not-so-little cycling heart happy. I don't know what would be the best word to describe them together but they just CLICK. When you know it's right, you just know. How is that? Anyway, here's how it all went down.

About two weeks ago, Andrew called me and asked when I was coming to Gainesville to help him shopping (he's barred from going alone for clothes, house colors, etc.) I said, I just got home from there with Mom, it would have been so perfect. He said, well, not so perfect, I need to go shopping with only you. Huh? "What kind of shopping are we talking about?" I said, my suspicions suitably aroused. A lilt in his voice, he said, "Jewwwwl-ry shopping." Aaaaah! WHAT? "And are we shopping for something dime-sized?" I asked, knowing where this was going. "Nickel-sized!" he replied. BROTH-ERRRRRRRR! So, we agreed to meet the following week.

On Tuesday, the 1st, we met for lunch at Ballyhoo. Immediately across the street is Renaissance Jewelers, where Allyson happens to shop for most of her jewelry. We went in, saw the usual stuff, asked for something vintage, and VOILA! There it was, we knew it when we saw it. All in all, it took 15 minutes flat. It was gorgeous, it was vintage-style, and most importantly, it was ALLYSON! Like I said, when you know it's right, you just know. How is that?

Andrew made plans to ask her July 5th. She said it was wonderfully emotional, she was thrilled to say yes, and she loved the ring. I called at 8:30 that night, dying to know, chewing my nails, William's nails, and anyone who would sit next to me. I asked, he said Yeeeeeessssss! I got a little teary, I congratulated them, I got off the phone, SWORN TO SECRECY until we would all be together for scalloping! Now anyone who knows me knows I talk to my family constantly. Secrecy is not our best trait. To help myself not give anything away, I barely talked to my mother (unheard of), tried to avoid Spring (way too good at finding out my secrets, heck she knew I was pregnant one time before I did, go figure), and all-around stayed away from the Gill Clan.

Once we got planning scalloping, Jonny said, "We could just go back to my house, swim, eat, whatever." I''m thinking, but Andrew wants to tell Mom in front of all the kids (who would already know from scalloping). So I stammered, stuttered, "Uh, I, We, well, actually, Andrew just needs to go to Mom's house for a while." Jonny was like, oh, ok, whatever that's supposed to mean.

Saturday morning, we all arrive at the boat ramp, load up the boat, and are milling about. Andrew showed Twopy his hand (cut on an oyster during wind-surfing), and I prompt Twopy to look at Allyson's left hand. "No, I don't want to see any more road rash," she said. This is NOT road rash, I responded. She looked, she burst into tears (darn those post-partum/nursing hormones), she hugged Allyson. Ahhh, relief, someone KNEW besides me!

After scalloping we made a beeline for Mom's house. The kids jumped in the pool. Mum's the word I say to Andrew (meaning, when I need to prompt her let me know). He agrees. Mom, Andrew, Dad, and Allyson were chit-chatting, Allyson sitting with her hand exposed on purpose. No luck. Thirty minutes goes by. No luck. Ten more minutes. Allyson, lifts her hand to her hair, I sit, hoping the sun would catch those diamonds and blast a stream of light to Mom's eye. No luck. It was clear, we would need the proverbial 2 by 4 for this one. I look at Andrew, my eyes saying "I'm dying here!" I say to him, "Mum." He nods. I can't believe my eyes. "MUM," I say again. He nods, his eyes saying, "NOW,baby, NOW!" I can't believe the moment is here, "Mom, you need to look at Allyson's left hand." Mom's face is still, her mind racing. Her eyes grow large, she gasps and says,"Are you serious?" Yes, he's serious all right. I have to tell Dad, again, he missed the whole thing. Again, the proverbial 2 by four, I guess it sometimes misses. This is followed by much hugging, laughing, tears, more hugging.

Some time later, when Mom has a chance to recover, Dad breaks out the Tawny Port and wine. We toast, "to a happy life!"

It was a great moment, and I hope they have many, many more TOGETHER! Andrew, she was worth the wait, eh? No one deserves this more than you, enjoy! Allyson, we wondered who would find him, he's in need of a little polishing but definitely a diamond underneath! All the best to you both.

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  1. Tis all true what's written here. This is such a nice blog entry! I'm really touched. You did good keeping the secret for those 2 weeks. I know it had to be hard.
    And I never knew my sister had a photographic memory. Wow!
    Ally is definitely worth the wait!!!

  2. Caryn, your blog is just wonderful! Thanks again for all of your help leading up to the momentous occasion on The Bridge, and for such a warm welcome into the family!
