Thursday, May 8, 2008

Naked Boy

William knocked over a cup of water and soaked his outfit, so I took it off. His diaper was wet too, so I took that off. I set him off the couch, went to the island to get a diaper, and when I came back, this is what I saw. So I grabbed my camera.

Here's naked boy looking for birds, looking all kinds of cute!

Ooohing and aahing at the outside world. Luckily, this window opens to our backyard which is pretty private! I planned our windows to stop where they did, but I did it for kids falling out type of thing. Little did I know that it would work to prevent William from becoming an exhibitionist at a very young age!

After I took a couple pictures, Izzy took the camera and started shooting. This was her first picture that actually included an entire person! Pretty good if I do say so myself!

This was taken by Izzy when I was getting ready to put a diaper back on William. Yup, I'm naked, I'm naked, biting this turtle, love the turtle, I'm naked...
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  1. oh MY!

    Nothing makes me happier than little baby fannies! esp. cute chubby ones that need a good pinching!

  2. Oh look at him on his tippy toes!

  3. How come fatty fannies and thighs are so wonderful on lil ones and so horrible on biguns (ahem)? It ain't right.
