Thursday, May 29, 2008

Last week we took a professional photographer out on the boat to see the kids in action, fishing, clamming, etc. I wasn't thrilled with the pictures but they were bloggable. (A new verb, if you didn't know!)

Shawn gives a heartfelt look at the clam leases. Actually, he was getting something out of his pocket. It just looks like he's really emotional. He's not.

Sarah caught the smallest shark we've ever seen. It couldn't have been more than a few days old. Luckily, he ate the bait, not the hook. We happily released him after giving Willie and the girls a good look. Our neighbors and good friends the Smiths accompanied us. Katy is on their boat, Emily joined our boat. Directly after this shot was taken, Mike caught a giant catfish. I made fun of his reel screaming, because we were in a thick mess of catfish all afternoon. I said to him, "Hey Mike, is that Daddy Catfish on there?" Once he got it close to the boat, he looked up and announced, I got GRAND Daddy Catfish! And it was. The thing was huge. Yuck. Too bad it wasn't a redfish!

Izzabee, happily fishing for pin fish. Check out sister's water shoes on her feet. Only about six sizes too big. It was a crappy day, weather wise. In fact, we stopped at an island to let them play at the beach and soon got chased in by a thunderstorm. Izzy and Willie were screaming, I was in a slicker suit (quite a mental image in itself) trying to cover both of them with the slicker suit and a big towel. Water was dripping in sheets off my hood, we were completely drenched. I couldn't get poor Will consoled so I started singing to him, spitting out mouthfuls of saltwater. Incredibly, it worked! He fell asleep face forward over my leg, hanging like a limp doll. Out cold. It was an amazing sight. We brought the kiddie pool for him to play in at the beach, and if it tells you how much water was coming over the side, it was FULL when we got in to the ramp. Shawn seems to be great at taking us all out when the weather turns horrible. Last time there was lightning. Thank heavens we were spared that this time. We did manage to shower and have cups of hot chocolate when we got home. And it was only 85 degrees out. Go figure.
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  1. That Sentimental Shawn makes me hoot and holler! I don't know why, but I'm cracking up at that picture! I like the little shark, too.

    I sure do miss lil Will bopping and dancing in my arms. *SIGH* He is SO cuddly!

  2. I read the text the day after I looked at the pics...I thought you had done a good job with the photography! What a neat idea!

    Love shark and the izzy pics best!
