Monday, October 5, 2009

Muir Woods

Happy to be out of the car, I guess? I swear he had not been drinking.

You can't imagine how impressive these trees are -- you have to see them to know!

Blurry but cute

Shawn and I both loved Muir Woods, it's one of our favorite places ever.
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  1. oooh, those woods look nice.
    and shawn looks silly!

  2. Beautiful photos! Try to check out Ken Burns' new series on America's National Parks (on PBS) when you can. John Muir was one amazing guy. For someone who was NOT EVEN an "American!" We owe much to his love of nature.

  3. I'm so glad you two had time to reconnect. (You did, didn't you?) Looks like great fun. I hope to go out there one day. Maybe when I get to the ripe old age of 36.
