Saturday, September 6, 2008

Evening in the Park

After my spending the day in Ocala, Willie and I got home to find everyone was gone! Luckily, in this town, you can't hide and we quickly found Shawn and the two girls at the park. It was a long day in the car for Willie and he was anxious to do everything he could! He is unafraid of the big steep slide, loves climbing up this big fish thing, and can't get enough of the soft, beautiful Bahia grass that now covers the park. It's such a far cry from the sandspurs in the old park. In fact, Shawn and I are considering sodding our yard with that grass because it feels so good for the kids. Once the sprinkler system goes in and the well gets hooked back up, we will deck out the landscaping so it blends a little better with the rest of the house. Every kid deserves to roll in the grass, and our mountain of sand isn't as fun as it sounds.
It was a beautiful evening, an afternoon seabreeze blowing any bugs away. Not too hot with the sun going down, and pure joy on the faces of our kiddies, what more can you ask for? And in case you're wondering where child number 1 was, Sarah was at a sleepover across the street. No pictures of her this time, but I'll try to make up for it later.

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