Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Silly Willie and the Stairs

I was getting ready to leave for Gainesville this morning, and Shawn was watching William. I came in to get him after I loaded the car, and he was perched on the bottom stair. He was so adorable I had to snap a few pictures. The hilarious part came once I started pointing the camera. He was hamming it up, smiling big toothy smiles, waving his arms, leaning forward and squinting his eyes. I couldn't get enough...

He got distracted from his photo session when my friend Linda walked in and said, Willie! She feeds him banana pudding and cookies so she is well loved by the Willie-meister.
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  1. Oh, the sweet little snuggliness!

  2. I have to leave another comment- because every time I come back to the blog, I see these Willy pictures, and I get all happy and smiley and stuff. He is such a snuggle!
