Sunday, February 24, 2008

New Boudoirs in Progress

Mom and I worked all day to get Katy and Izzy's rooms into shape. We freshened up dinged walls, dusty baseboards, even removed install stickers on the windows! It was quite a project. When they got home from school, they were floored! Katy has never had her own room, so it was especially exciting for her. Some of us didn't get our own room till we almost finished college but we won't get into the details of that one. Katy really wanted her room painted purple, but having spent another full day painting my old pukey green room a violent Caribbean blue for Sarah, I said absolutely not. So we added everything purple and it looks great. She even makes her bed every morning now! If I had only known I would've done it months ago!

Izzy moved into the pink room, even though it's bigger than Katy's. We did this because A) it was pink, and ditto on the painting from above, B) she has bigger toys, and C) Izzy and Katy always seem to end up in Izzy's room, even if it's the small one.
Check Katy's face: I took this in a pitch black room, except for the DVD mounted at the end of the bed. They are watching Madeline and had no idea I was standing there. Also, check the pink velvet storage stool, it has a rhinestone heart button on top, very Isabelle. Gotta love clearance stuff at Target. FYI--the Hardy Boys series and Nancy Drew series in the shelves are not for a super-advanced preschooler, they are moving to Sarah's room as soon as we get a bookshelf.
Glittery curtain for all... The best part of this new room is unseen. It is the most amazing thing! Izzy has now kept her panties dry at night for 6 nights running. Last week she said, Momma, I am so sick of pull-ups, I just don't want to wear them anymore. I said, you get one week of trying, then back to pull ups. And... NOTHING! Not a drop! She's amazing! Keep in mind that Katy still wears pull-ups, Sarah did till 2nd grade, her father wet till he was ten, and her mother till she was twelve and on medication ! I mean, this is downright heroic! Hallelujah, I love a strong-willed kid sometimes! GO IZZY!
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  1. LOL! Your kids don't have a snowball's chance in heck of getting out of pull-ups before college but somehow, Izzy defied the odds! Yay for Izzy! Aunt 2p is proud of you!

  2. Avast, ye maties, the house looks splendiforous! And Izzy, what a big girl! Aunt De Grande is mucho proud-o!
