Thursday, February 14, 2008

Izzy and the Party

Our girls always like it when we attend their class parties, whatever the occasion. Sometime we go, sometimes we don't. The kids always love William and Izzy. Today we thought we'd surprise the girls and show up for the Valentine's Day party. Sweet William has had a yucky nose and slight cough for a couple days so I thought I'd keep him home. Shawn said he'd go and amazingly, Izzy agreed to go with him! (She had a fit when I went walking without her this morning! Very attached, still!) So, Princess Izzy decides that what she was wearing was inappropriate for a Heart Day Party and proceeds to get all dressed up. I even let her snag a good bit of lipstick left over from Sarah's ballet recital! Then we had to take pictures in just about every spot in the living room. Here are the results.
Gotta love the pink sparkly headband with the red dress... but it gets better....
SO gotta love the hot pink crocs with the red tights! She was so excited! They're off to the party so I'm off to clean the bathrooms. How did this happen to me?! I should've picked the party... At least I've made my Valentines for my sweethearts... Izzy and I had crafts this morning and made some quick but fun little Valentines for the girls. I'll try to blog those later today when the recipients have them in hand!
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1 comment:

  1. The couches look b-you-tiful. Go Caryn, get busy, ......

    More posting! I'm just saying that for you not to post for 5 or 6 days is a heinous crime, indeed.
