Friday, June 27, 2008

Where Did June Go?

Well. Dang. June just up and left. I mean, school just got out. At least, just three weeks ago. This week has been the busiest of all. Art class in the morning, followed by swimming lessons, and topped off with three hours of Vacation Bible School each night. Wow. I think I've put more miles on my car in the past three weeks than in the past three months. It has been crazy. And today, to top all that off, we got a surprise clam sale and had to take off immediately with William and Izzy to get twenty thousand clams. Gee, love the sale but could ya give us a little notice?

Last night, after VBS, Sarah had four friends sleep over. Katy slept over her friend's house, and IZZY even had a sleepover across the street. Actually, it was supposed to be a mock sleepover so she wouldn't feel left out. We figured they could bathe together and then put on their jammies. Play for a bit, get sleepy, want to go home. Nope. Bathed, jammied, played, got sleepy, snuggled right down in that twin bed together, facing each other, Izzy sucking her thumb, Rylee holding her animal, and zzzzzzzz. At 11 pm I realized she wasn't coming home. I was like, wow, my four year old is at a sleepover. This is weird. They had a ball! Sometimes your kids just go and shock the heck out of ya. Consider me shocked.

Luckily, Katy can FINALLY sleep over someone's house. She has been dying to for some time now, but unfortunately none of the kids in her class are homes she's allowed to go to. (For various reasons which I will not go into here.) Anyway, it's always been very difficult for her because Sarah has four or five or more houses here on the island she can go to. Katy always feels left out. But this little girl, who is the third grade teacher's daughter (yup, Katy's teacher this coming year) is named Jolie. Katy and Jolie were great friends in PreK, but Katy went to Kindergarten and Jolie had one more year of PreK. Jolie is very smart and has now skipped second grade, putting her into Katy's upcoming third grade class. It's so perfect for her and they had an absolutely wonderful time, hitting it off once again. They also play softball together so that will be a great building time for them as well. I am so thrilled for her, she needs this friendship very badly. Izzy is a wonderful friend to her, but she needs a buddy, not a sister.

Hopefully things will start to slow down into the lazy days of summer. Swimming, sleeping in (if there is a God!), making cookies, bring it on! Here's to July, and all the promise it holds!

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