Thursday, June 5, 2008

A Little Spoon of Heaven

Mom and I had a short-notice peach jamming party on Wednesday afternoon! Our peach tree in the backyard used to be about three feet high. During construction of our new addition and porch, we removed a very poor specimen of a mimosa and a damaged maple tree. Evidently, they were sucking up every bit of nutrients and water so that poor peach tree had none. Once they were out of the picture, the thing didn't just double in height, it is 5 or 6 times bigger in one season than it had in the seven years we've been here! We were planning to take it out, as it is directly behind the porch and will ultimately block the view from the dining room (and be in the way of our future-planned in-ground pool!). Anyway, just when we planned to remove it, it goes and yields a bumper crop of the smallest, most adorable little peaches you ever saw. They are clingstone, but covered in a red blush that is so pretty! And sweet and juicy, with flavor that ain't found in any supermarket peach! They ripen quickly, though, and I thought we should make good use of them before they rot off the tree or before what has happened in previous years--the birds eat them the second they are ripe. So far, no birds this year? Very odd. God is telling us--Save The Peach Tree! It rocks!

This is less than half of what we put up. I sent over half home with Mom (I plan to make more, there are still a couple hundred peaches on that tree) and, Ok, I admit it, I've eaten more than a couple jars all by myself. It is incredibly good!

I didn't want any of you to miss out, so I ate a few spoonfuls for you! Mmmm, and jelled to perfection, which doesn't happen every time for me either! Chunks of perfectly ripe peaches surrounded by sweet, thickened peach syrup. Just a little taste of heaven, just before our time.
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  1. MMMMM! I love peach jam! I'll be right over!~

  2. I. Want. A. Peach. Tree.

    In. My. Back. Yard.



  3. Oh, and that's real nice of you to eat a "few" spoonfuls for us. Thanks, yo.

  4. Adam said if there's not some left by the time we get down there, some heads are gonna roll.
