Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Mr. Handsome -- Again.

Lord, how did I get so lucky?!
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  1. Tain't sure but he's a real catch! He's gotten so big! Need a video of him talking.

  2. I vote that the photographer gets extra loads of hugs, snuggles and smooches from the subject! :)

    BTW, did you know that your comment thingey does an extra step so that once you hit "post comment" it comes up with another screen to edit the comment, put your name in, word veri, etc...and since I'm just now noticing that, I;m realizing that I've left you loads of comments that have never appeared, because I didn't realize that second step was there (you have to scroll down on my comp to see it!)

    Much sadness is mine. :(
