Sunday, November 1, 2009

Gators, A Princess, and Candy, Oh My!

Last night we trick-or-treated downtown, riding around in the back of Daddy's truck. After a few of our yearly stops, we walked downtown with our friends, the Smiths, and the Howards. It was way too hot for Halloween. We were sweaty and William was fussy, requiring Shawn and I to carry him the entire time. The kids, despite the heat, had a grand time, and loved the attention they all got in their costumes.

Willie was an alligator, GO GATORS! (Nice win over the Dogs, yo! Too bad SOMEONE had to schedule it on Halloween, right when we absolutely could not watch it! Oh well, I'm just happy they won--and won big! :) )

Isabelle was Ariel, the Little Mermaid. She's got the hands on hip thing going FO SHO!

Sarah was a blue M&M, idea courtesy of Momma.

Katy was a yellow M&M. We met the OTHER M&M's downtown.
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1 comment:

  1. Izzy looks just like KK in that picture! And the gloves? I would have died for that as a little girl, I'm sure. Instead we were clowns every year until that costume was too small.
