Tuesday, January 6, 2009

And by the way, HAPPY NEW YEAR!

If I left you inadvertently off my Christmas list, (meaning I don't have your address in the RolodeX!) don't feel bad, I'm just disorganized. I wouldn't want you to feel left out, so here is the little poem I cooked up, a la Twas the Night Before Christmas.

Twas 2000 and eight, and each day at our home,
There's diapers, and clam sales, and six heads to comb.
Month one was a time when William turned one.
He's funny and snuggly, and oh so much fun!
He's talking and walking and laughing with glee,
His favorite word is always Da-deeee!
Month two showed us coasters combined with a zoo,
Animal Kingdom was deemed totally cool.
For us, March and April were a blur as they passed,
Cold weather and FCAT were over at last.
Katy played softball in purple and gold,
Some days so hot and others so cold.
Socks up to her knees and cleats laced up tight,
She swung at the ball with all of her might.
A strike plus a strike, one more and she's done,
Then suddenly "Crack!" and her team gets a run!
In May we awaited school ending again,
Class work was done, and summer begins.
June brought recitals for our girls' ballet,
Sarah was thrilled, not so for Kay.
July we spent in the pool in our yard,
Swimming and splashing, staying cool was not hard.
Izzy and Katy had lessons to take,
Swimming for safety is a rule that we make.
August brought birthdays and presents galore,
Katy turned eight and Sarah one more.
To celebrate the arrival of warm summer's end,
We rented a water slide and brought all our friends.
September brought change, swift like a bird,
Sarah in fourth grade, Katy in third.
Izzy to Pre-K, leaving Momma at home,
Willie and I would go it alone.
October brought tales of witches and gore,
And costumes of frogs, cockroaches, and more.
Butterflies and princesses circles the streets,
Looking somewhat for tricks but mostly for treats.
One day a week to piano we go,
Learning forte and half notes and pianissimo.
November brought memories of wedding cheers,
The 14th we celebrated it's been ten years.
We went off to Sanibel, the first time alone,
Spending three days together, our kids safe at home.
December shows signs of more change indeed,
We'll close on a clam shop and hope we succeed.
Each month on its own, though aptly described,
Won't give the true tale of the times of our lives.
So call us or write us, or even e-mail,
Feel free to stop by for a lengthier tale.
A cheer for world peace and good family times,
We wish you the best in 2000 and NINE!
With love,
Shawn, Caryn, Sarah, Katy, Isabelle, and William

1 comment:

  1. Why you always tryin' to make the rest of us look bad?
