Friday, February 20, 2009


Spring sent me these cute pictures from Avery's birthday. We went up to Gainesville and had dinner with Spring, Scott, and Avery at Carrabba's. My family came back to Cedar Key, minus Izzy! She stayed over for a sleepover with her favorite buddy, Avery. They had a ball, and only got a little cranky at the end. Heehee, a little late night and look what happens.

Two cuties, Izzy and Avery playing in the courtyard.

Playing in the sandbox at the park

On their way to a picnic lunch at the park (isn't Spring amazing? She makes a picnic lunch, takes them to the park, and remembers her camera as well! I love this shot of Izzy, I hate that cheetah jacket she loves. I guess I've gotten used to it, though. At least I don't have to wear it...Thanks for the sleepover, Aunt Spring, Izzy had a blast!
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  1. the cuteness is overwhelming!

  2. I sure am glad my SIL blogged this! You may see this on my blog about mid September 2009!

    Actually, the cheetah jacket was left a tour house, I guess you don't need me to hurry it back to you, do you?! :)
