Monday, November 3, 2008

Butterflies and Grecian Princesses

Isabelle was adorable in her Monarch butterfly costume. Thanks, Tom Arma! (He makes rockin' toddler costumes, I've got my eye on the rhino one for Willie next year!) The only negative on this costume was that Momma could wear the hood, so Izzy kept having it slip off all night. I should've brought safety pins...

Here she is with her pumpkin sack, ready to go eat some SUGAR!

My Katy was a Grecian princess. We borrowed the costume--thanks, Kira! She used the golden bag my make-up came in as a treat bag. I thought that was very creative of her. She felt great all made-up and sparkly.

The color of that dress really made her eyes WOW blue!
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1 comment:

  1. Whoa, those eyes are crystal blue! Katy, you look beauts!

    Izzy, your costume is very colorful. You look just like a sweet butterfly!
